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Whole School Pantomime Trip Posted: 27/01/23

Oh Yes we did!

On Wednesday 30 November the whole of Wren Primary travelled by coach to the Hackney Empire to watch Mother Goose.

On arrival at the theatre the children were directed to their seats in the stalls, dress circle or upper circle. Much excitement awaited amongst the children as the lights went off and the show began!

The show did not disappoint! Set in HackneyWood, where the cost-of-living crisis is being felt, Landlord Squire Purchase is keeping tabs on everyone’s Experian scores and threatening to evict makeover guru Mother Goose. Luckily, Priscilla, her Best Feathered Friend – started laying golden eggs. The bad news is that it was part of a plan by the Demon Queen to steal Mother Goose’s soul..

The children were mesmerised as the tale unfolded with a happy ever after ending and a delicious ice-cream during the interval! This was our first whole school trip, which was enjoyed by all. A huge thank you goes to the Friends of Wren who kindly funded the coaches making the trip accessible to all.