Letters Home

Name Date  
Important Dates for Autumn 1 2024 15 Jul 2024 Download
End of Term Arrangements and Uniform for September 12 Jul 2024 Download
Cricket League Final 12 Jul 2024 Download
Years 4 and 5 Summer Reading Challenge 12 Jul 2024 Download
Term Dates 2024-25 12 Jul 2024 Download
Year 2 SATs Mini Olympics and Picnic 4 Jul 2024 Download
Lion King Show 2 Jul 2024 Download
Appointment of Head of School 25 Jun 2024 Download
Request for Feedback 17 Jun 2024 Download
Sports Day 2024 – Change of Dates 13 Jun 2024 Download
Year 6 Production of The Lion King Jr – Costumes and Props 4 Jun 2024 Download
Reception – Transition to Year 1 Meeting 23 May 2024 Download
Sunny’s fundRAISIN Coin Challenge 22 May 2024 Download
FWA FundRaisin Poster 22 May 2024 Download
Maple Class Staffing 21 May 2024 Download
Cases of Head Lice in Year 2 and Year 5 21 May 2024 Download
Years R – 6: Information regarding lunches for Summer Term 2 20 May 2024 Download
Year 3 Class Assembly 17 May 2024 Download
FWA Colour Run and Non-Uniform Day 16 May 2024 Download
FWA Colour Run 16 May 2024 Download
Walk to School Week 13 May 2024 Download
Year 6 SATs and Celebration Picnic 7 May 2024 Download
Year 6 – Windrush Workshop 1 May 2024 Download
Inconsiderate Parking 30 Apr 2024 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 2 29 Apr 2024 Download
Year 1 Geography Local Walk 25 Apr 2024 Download
Ash Class Staffing 24 Apr 2024 Download
Anti-Racism Lessons 23 Apr 2024 Download
Anti Racism Overview 23 Apr 2024 Download
Years 5 and 6 Debate Challenge Day and Workshop 23 Apr 2024 Download
Year 5 Trip: National Portrait Gallery 18 Apr 2024 Download
Year 3 Dinosnores Residential 17 Apr 2024 Download
Class Group Photographs 16 Apr 2024 Download
Attendance Procedures 16 Apr 2024 Download
Reception Trips to Barnet Environment Centre 15 Apr 2024 Download
Year 3 Residential Trip 28 Mar 2024 Download
Election of Parent Governor 25 Mar 2024 Download
Parent Governor Candidate Statements 25 Mar 2024 Download
Years 5 and 6 RSHE Curriculum Presentation 25 Mar 2024 Download
End of Term Arrangements and Easter Bonnet Parade 22 Mar 2024 Download
Micah Award Assembly 22 Mar 2024 Download
Easter Service 21 Mar 2024 Download
Year 6 Residential Trip 15 Mar 2024 Download
Cancellation of Enrichment Sessions 14 Mar 2024 Download
Holly Class Staffing 8 Mar 2024 Download
After School Clubs 7 Mar 2024 Download
After School Clubs 7 Mar 2024 Download
Chess Club 7 Mar 2024 Download
After School Clubs 7 Mar 2024 Download
Summer Term After School Clubs 7 Mar 2024 Download
SIAMS Inspection Report 4 Mar 2024 Download
Class Group Photographs 4 Mar 2024 Download
Year 5 Trip: National Portrait Gallery 1 Mar 2024 Download
Reception Trip: Willows Farm 26 Feb 2024 Download
Year 3 Trip: Verulamium Museum 26 Feb 2024 Download
Year 4 Trip: West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village 26 Feb 2024 Download
WE NEED YOUR HELP 20 Feb 2024 Download
Reception Hearing and Vision Screening 20 Feb 2024 Download
Vision and Hearing Info 20 Feb 2024 Download
Reception Dinosaur Workshop 19 Feb 2024 Download
French Day 9 Feb 2024 Download
End of term arrangements 8 Feb 2024 Download
Christian Foley, Poet, Visit 8 Feb 2024 Download
Year 2 African Drumming Workshop 5 Feb 2024 Download
Scarlet Fever and Threadworms 1 Feb 2024 Download
Years 4 – Easter Experience 1 Feb 2024 Download
Year 2 – Toy Making Workshop 31 Jan 2024 Download
Year 3 Swimming Lessons 30 Jan 2024 Download
SIAMS Inspection 26 Jan 2024 Download
Case of Head Lice in Reception 26 Jan 2024 Download
Years 3 and 5: Singing at Christ Church 24 Jan 2024 Download
Non-Uniform Day 22 Jan 2024 Download
World Book Week - Christian Foley Workshops 16 Jan 2024 Download
Year 6 SATs Presentation 16 Jan 2024 Download
Parents Evening 15 Jan 2024 Download
Year 6 Geography Local Walk 11 Jan 2024 Download
London Diocesan Board of Schools 10 Jan 2024 Download
Year 4 Residential Trip 10 Jan 2024 Download
Year 5 Residential Trip 10 Jan 2024 Download
Holly Class Staffing 9 Jan 2024 Download
Year 6 Trip to the RAF Museum 9 Jan 2024 Download
End of Term Arrangements 15 Dec 2023 Download
Holly Class Staffing 14 Dec 2023 Download
Years 3 – 6 - Micah Award Assembly 12 Dec 2023 Download
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Micah Award Assembly 11 Dec 2023 Download
Christmas Events 5 Dec 2023 Download
Open Evening 4 Dec 2023 Download
Updated Behaviour Policy 4 Dec 2023 Download
Year 4 - Ancient Greece Workshops 4 Dec 2023 Download
Year 4 Christ Church Christmas Experience 4 Dec 2023 Download
Performances – Autumn Term 30 Nov 2023 Download
After School Chess Club 27 Nov 2023 Download
Spring Term After School Clubs 27 Nov 2023 Download
Tag Rugby Club 27 Nov 2023 Download
After School Clubs 27 Nov 2023 Download
Year 1 Trip: London Transport Museum 16 Nov 2023 Download
Year 2 Trip to Kidzania 16 Nov 2023 Download
Year 6 Trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre 16 Nov 2023 Download
Year 6 Trip to Lion King 16 Nov 2023 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 3 15 Nov 2023 Download
Beech Class Staffing 6 Nov 2023 Download
New Communications System: MyChildAtSchool 30 Oct 2023 Download
My Child At School Guide 30 Oct 2023 Download
Important dates for Autumn 2 19 Oct 2023 Download
Years 5 and 6 Online Safety Concerns 18 Oct 2023 Download
Friends of Wren October 2023 9 Oct 2023 Download
Reception: Trip to see Dear Santa at Arts Depot 6 Oct 2023 Download
International Day 6 Oct 2023 Download
Primary Trip: Aladdin Pantomime at Hackney Empire 6 Oct 2023 Download
Applying for Secondary in September 2023 6 Oct 2023 Download
Friends of Wren October 2023 3 Oct 2023 Download
Communications Guide 3 Oct 2023 Download
Primary Medical Guide 2 Oct 2023 Download
Primary Parent Survey Autumn 2023 2 Oct 2023 Download
Harvest Festival 26 Sep 2023 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 1 25 Sep 2023 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 6 25 Sep 2023 Download
Christmas Card Project 25 Sep 2023 Download
Primary Photographs 25 Sep 2023 Download
Parents Evening – Autumn Term 2023 25 Sep 2023 Download
Friends of Wren September 2023 21 Sep 2023 Download
Reception: Donation for Supplies 19 Sep 2023 Download
Parents and Carers Prayer Group 18 Sep 2023 Download
Public Health Letter 15 Sep 2023 Download
Online e-admissions Letter 15 Sep 2023 Download
Secondary School Open Evening Letter 15 Sep 2023 Download
September 2024 Secondary Admissions 15 Sep 2023 Download
Flu Vaccinations 15 Sep 2023 Download
Year 6 – Secondary Admissions 12 Sep 2023 Download
Primary Religious Education Vision Day 11 Sep 2023 Download
Year 6 Residential: Pre-Trip Meeting 11 Sep 2023 Download
Year 2 Trip: London Aquarium 7 Sep 2023 Download
Year 3 Trip to Waltham Abbey 7 Sep 2023 Download
Year 4 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo 7 Sep 2023 Download
After School Clubs – Autumn Term 2023 5 Sep 2023 Download
Hot Weather Uniform Adjustments 4 Sep 2023 Download
New Term at Wren Academy 1 Sep 2023 Download
Year 6 Snapchat Concerns 17 Jul 2023 Download
House Teams 13 Jul 2023 Download
Year 6 Leavers Service 13 Jul 2023 Download
End of Term Arrangements and Uniform for September 10 Jul 2023 Download
Year 6 End of Term Plans 7 Jul 2023 Download
Years 3 – 6: Information regarding lunches for 2023-24 7 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group and Class: Reception, Conker Class From September: Year 1, Holly Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group and Class: Reception, Acorn Class From September: Year 1, Cherry Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 1, Cherry Class From September: Year 2, Fir Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group and Class: Year 1, Holly Class From September: Year 2, Elm Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group and Class: Year 2, Elm Class From September: Year 3, Birch Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 2, Fir Class From September: Year 3, Beech Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 3 From September: Year 4, Cedar Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 3 From September: Year 4, Maple Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 4, Cedar Class From September: Year 5, Ash Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 5 From September: Year 6, Evergreen Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
Current Year Group: Year 5 From September: Year 6, Oak Class 3 Jul 2023 Download
NSPCC Speak out Stay safe Programme 27 Jun 2023 Download
Year 1 – Seaside Workshop 27 Jun 2023 Download
Year 2 – Olympics Workshop 27 Jun 2023 Download
Friends of Wren June 2023 26 Jun 2023 Download
Transition to Secondary 26 Jun 2023 Download
Mary Poppins Tickets 23 Jun 2023 Download
Reception – Transition to Year 1 Meeting 14 Jun 2023 Download
Autumn Term After School Clubs 9 Jun 2023 Download
Sports Day 2023 8 Jun 2023 Download
Year 6 Residential Trip 7 Jun 2023 Download
Important dates for Summer 2 5 Jun 2023 Download
Overview of Anti-Racist Lessons 5 Jun 2023 Download
Overview of Anti-Racist Lessons table 5 Jun 2023 Download
Primary Classes from September 5 Jun 2023 Download
Year 5 Tudor Dress Up Day 5 Jun 2023 Download
Summer Fair & Circus - Saturday 8 July 12 - 3.30pm 26 May 2023 Download
Polio Vaccinations 25 May 2023 Download
Friends of Wren Academy News 24 May 2023 Download
Bling a Bike or Scooter Competition 23 May 2023 Download
Year 6 Trip: Victoria and Albert Museum 22 May 2023 Download
Year 1 National Phonics Screening Check 19 May 2023 Download
Year 4 National Multiplication Tables Check 18 May 2023 Download
Case of Head Lice in Reception 15 May 2023 Download
Year 5 Playtimes 12 May 2023 Download
Birch Class Assembly 11 May 2023 Download
Walk to School Week 11 May 2023 Download
Willow Class Assembly 11 May 2023 Download
Polio Vaccinations 5 May 2023 Download
Year 1 Local Geography Walk 4 May 2023 Download
Year 1 Trip to Finchley Reform Synagogue 4 May 2023 Download
Year 6 SATs and Celebration Picnic 4 May 2023 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 2 3 May 2023 Download
Years 1 and 5 Singing at Grace House Care Home 3 May 2023 Download
Mad Hair and Non-Uniform Day 2 May 2023 Download
Strike action and the partial closure of Wren Academy Primary 26 Apr 2023 Download
King’s Coronation Picnic 26 Apr 2023 Download
Reception Trips to Barnet Environment Centre 25 Apr 2023 Download
Year 4 Trip: West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village 25 Apr 2023 Download
Year 6 Leavers Hoodies 25 Apr 2023 Download
Year 6 Trip: Victoria and Albert Museum 25 Apr 2023 Download
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 25 Apr 2023 Download
Year 5 Local Church Visit 21 Apr 2023 Download
Class Photographs – Online Ordering 20 Apr 2023 Download
Strike action 20 Apr 2023 Download
Year 5 SeeSaw Accounts Update 19 Apr 2023 Download
Year 3 Trip: Verulamium Museum 17 Apr 2023 Download
Summer Term Clubs 31 Mar 2023 Download
Tag Rugby After School Club 30 Mar 2023 Download
Chess Club 30 Mar 2023 Download
Improved Punctuality 29 Mar 2023 Download
Easter Service 24 Mar 2023 Download
Easter Bonnet Parade 23 Mar 2023 Download
Years 3 – 6: Easter Egg Decorating Competition 23 Mar 2023 Download
End of Term Arrangements 22 Mar 2023 Download
House Teams 21 Mar 2023 Download
Open Evening – Tuesday 21 March 2023 15 Mar 2023 Download
Year 5 SeeSaw Accounts 13 Mar 2023 Download
Strike action 10 Mar 2023 Download
Year 3 Trip: Verulamium Museum 10 Mar 2023 Download
Year 5 Trip to Hampton Court 10 Mar 2023 Download
After School Clubs 10 Mar 2023 Download
Friends of Wren March 2023 6 Mar 2023 Download
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 6 Mar 2023 Download
School Safe Message 2 Mar 2023 Download
Parent Governor Election Results 1 Mar 2023 Download
Year 5 Ash Class Assembly 1 Mar 2023 Download
Easter Service 28 Feb 2023 Download
Willow Class – Local Church 28 Feb 2023 Download
Beech Class 27 Feb 2023 Download
Strike Action 24 Feb 2023 Download
Primary Morning Drop-off 24 Feb 2023 Download
Chickenpox 22 Feb 2023 Download
Primary Medical Guide 20 Feb 2023 Download
House Teams 8 Feb 2023 Download
Year 6 – Production of Mary Poppins 8 Feb 2023 Download
Year 3 Ancient Egypt Dress Up Day 30 Jan 2023 Download
Driving and parking around the Academy 30 Jan 2023 Download
Important dates for Spring 2 30 Jan 2023 Download
World Book Day 30 Jan 2023 Download
Year 2 African Workshop 30 Jan 2023 Download
Year 3 Swimming Lessons 26 Jan 2023 Download
Year 6 Social Media Concerns 26 Jan 2023 Download
Year 1 Trip: Tower of London 25 Jan 2023 Download
Strike Action 25 Jan 2023 Download
Strike Action 25 Jan 2023 Download
Years 3, 4 and 5 Residential Trips 24 Jan 2023 Download
Senior Leadership Developments 23 Jan 2023 Download
Year 4 Home Learning 19 Jan 2023 Download
St Paul’s Cathedral Annual Service 2023 18 Jan 2023 Download
French Day – Thursday 2 February 2023 18 Jan 2023 Download
Friends of Wren January 2023 17 Jan 2023 Download
Chickenpox 11 Jan 2023 Download
Year 5 Residential Trip 11 Jan 2023 Download
Year 3 Residential Trip 11 Jan 2023 Download
Year 4 Residential Trip 11 Jan 2023 Download
Reception Classes - Hearing and Vision Screening 9 Jan 2023 Download
Parents Evening – Spring Term 2023 9 Jan 2023 Download
Year 6 Geography Local Walk 6 Jan 2023 Download
Years 1 – 6: Introduction of MyMaths 5 Jan 2023 Download
Oxford Owl Guide 14 Dec 2022 Download
TT RockStars 14 Dec 2022 Download
Scarlet Fever 13 Dec 2022 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 2 13 Dec 2022 Download
FWA - Martyn Gerrard Board Challenge 13 Dec 2022 Download
House Teams 12 Dec 2022 Download
LBB GAS Letter 9 Dec 2022 Download
Year 4 - Ancient Greece Workshops on Friday 6 January 2023 9 Dec 2022 Download
Arrangements for Friday 16 December 2022 7 Dec 2022 Download
Scarlet Fever 7 Dec 2022 Download
Bikeability Training 5 Dec 2022 Download
Years 3 and 4 Bikeability Training 5 Dec 2022 Download
Communications Guide 4 Dec 2022 Download
Year 4 - End of Term Project 2 Dec 2022 Download
Christmas Lunch 1 Dec 2022 Download
FWA November 2022 28 Nov 2022 Download
Years 1 – 6 End of Term Assessments 28 Nov 2022 Download
Pantomime Trip on Wednesday 30 November 2022 25 Nov 2022 Download
Incident in Secondary 24 Nov 2022 Download
Years 5 and 6 PSHE Curriculum Presentation 24 Nov 2022 Download
Years 5 and 6 Personal Safety Advice 23 Nov 2022 Download
Spring Term After School Clubs 22 Nov 2022 Download
After School Clubs – Autumn Term 22 Nov 2022 Download
FWA November 2022 22 Nov 2022 Download
Beech Class Assembly 16 Nov 2022 Download
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 15 Nov 2022 Download
Performances – Autumn Term 2 14 Nov 2022 Download
Home Learning 11 Nov 2022 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 2 11 Nov 2022 Download
Phonics and Writing Workshops 7 Nov 2022 Download
Year 3 PSHE Lessons 3 Nov 2022 Download
Friends of Wren November 2022 31 Oct 2022 Download
New Primary Attendance 21 Oct 2022 Download
House Teams 17 Oct 2022 Download
Home Learning 17 Oct 2022 Download
Christmas Tree Orders 17 Oct 2022 Download
Beech Class Assembly 11 Oct 2022 Download
Years 3 and 4: Christ Church Christmas Experience 10 Oct 2022 Download
Elm Class 7 Oct 2022 Download
Maple Class 7 Oct 2022 Download
Cedar Class Assembly 6 Oct 2022 Download
FWA September 3 Oct 2022 Download
Year 6 – Local Church Visit 30 Sep 2022 Download
International Day – All About Me 29 Sep 2022 Download
Primary Trip: Mother Goose Pantomime at Hackney Empire 27 Sep 2022 Download
Reception: Trip to Arts Depot 27 Sep 2022 Download
Year 6 Trip: Mary Poppins 27 Sep 2022 Download
Reception: Trip to Arts Depot 27 Sep 2022 Download
Christmas Card Project 26 Sep 2022 Download
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 26 Sep 2022 Download
Attendance Procedures 22 Sep 2022 Download
Secondary Transfer Evening 22 Sep 2022 Download
Harvest Festival 21 Sep 2022 Download
Adult Behaviour Expectations 20 Sep 2022 Download
Case of Head Lice in Year 2 20 Sep 2022 Download
Parents and Carers Prayer Group 20 Sep 2022 Download
Parents Evening – Autumn Term 2022 20 Sep 2022 Download
Reception: Donation for Supplies 20 Sep 2022 Download
Reception - Our Families Display Boards 13 Sep 2022 Download
Year 1 Knights and Castles Workshop 13 Sep 2022 Download
Year 6 Windrush Workshop 13 Sep 2022 Download
Rescheduled Year 3 Trip to Waltham Abbey 12 Sep 2022 Download
Bank Holiday on Monday 19 September 2022 12 Sep 2022 Download
Primary Individual Photographs 12 Sep 2022 Download
Year 5 Chocolate Workshop 7 Sep 2022 Download
After School Clubs – Autumn Term 6 Sep 2022 Download
Year 2 Trip: London Aquarium 6 Sep 2022 Download
Year 4 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo 6 Sep 2022 Download
Year 3 Trip to Waltham Abbey 6 Sep 2022 Download
After School Clubs - Autumn Term 5 Sep 2022 Download
FWA September 5 Sep 2022 Download
Chess Club 5 Sep 2022 Download
New Term at Wren Academy 5 Sep 2022 Download
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due 5 Sep 2022 Download
New Academic Year 2022 1 Sep 2022 Download
Year 6 Leavers Party Photographs 19 Jul 2022 Download
Change in finish time on Tuesday 19 July 2022 18 Jul 2022 Download
Hot Weather on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 July 2022 15 Jul 2022 Download
Hot Weather Uniform Adjustments 13 Jul 2022 Download
End of Term Arrangements and Uniform for September 12 Jul 2022 Download
KS2 Prize Giving Assembly (Years 3 – 6) 8 Jul 2022 Download
Friends of Wren July 22 8 Jul 2022 Download
Reception and KS1 Prize Giving Assembly 8 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 4 From September: Year 5, Willow Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: Year 2 Year 3, Birch Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: Reception From September: Year 1, Holly Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 3 From September: Year 4, Maple Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 1 From September: Year 2, Elm Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 4 From September: Year 5, Ash Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 1 From September: Year 2, Fir Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 5 From September: Year 6, Evergreen Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: Year 2 Year 3, Beech Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 5 From September: Year 6, Oak Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: Reception From September: Year 1, Cherry Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Current Year Group: 3 From September: Year 4, Cedar Class 7 Jul 2022 Download
Chickenpox 4 Jul 2022 Download
Summer Fair 29 Jun 2022 Download
Year 6 – Geography Local Walks 29 Jun 2022 Download
Year 4 Sikh Gurdwara Visit 22 Jun 2022 Download
Year 6 – Matilda Tickets 20 Jun 2022 Download
Sports Day 2022 20 Jun 2022 Download
Sports Day 2022 20 Jun 2022 Download
Friends of Wren June 2022 15 Jun 2022 Download
Reception – Transition to Year 1 Meeting 13 Jun 2022 Download
Willow Class Assembly 13 Jun 2022 Download
Year 6 Leavers Service 13 Jun 2022 Download
Uniform Pop-Up Shop 10 Jun 2022 Download
Prom Performance 26 May 2022 Download
FWA Summer Fair 23 May 2022 Download
Year 1 National Phonics Screening Test 23 May 2022 Download
Transition to Secondary 23 May 2022 Download
Primary Classes from September 16 May 2022 Download
FWA Summer Broucher 16 May 2022 Download
Reception Trips to Barnet Environment Centre 12 May 2022 Download
Year 2 Trip: London Aquarium 12 May 2022 Download
Year 3 Trip: Verulamium Museum 12 May 2022 Download
Year 4 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo 12 May 2022 Download
Year 2 – Local Church Visit 12 May 2022 Download
Year 5 Trip to see Gangsta Granny 12 May 2022 Download
Year 2 SATs 11 May 2022 Download
Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 10 May 2022 Download
Wren Platinum Jubilee Street Party 6 May 2022 Download
Year 6 Residential Trip 6 May 2022 Download
Primary Class Photographs 29 Apr 2022 Download
Year 6 Production of Matilda the Musical 27 Apr 2022 Download
Eco Council 25 Apr 2022 Download
Summer Board Challenge 25 Apr 2022 Download
Rising Food Costs 25 Apr 2022 Download
Year 6 Picnic 25 Apr 2022 Download
Mad Hair and Non-Uniform Day 31 Mar 2022 Download
Year 6 Leavers Hoodies 31 Mar 2022 Download
After School Clubs 30 Mar 2022 Download
The Wren Club 30 Mar 2022 Download
End of Term Arrangements 29 Mar 2022 Download
Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 21 Mar 2022 Download
Attendance Procedures 17 Mar 2022 Download
Parking in Bramber Road 17 Mar 2022 Download
Year 1 Trip to Kew Gardens 17 Mar 2022 Download
Year 6 Easter Revision Classes 14 Mar 2022 Download
FWA Wren Disco 2 Mar 2022 Download
Spanish Club 1 Mar 2022 Download
Dental Survey 28 Feb 2022 Download
Forest School – Acorn Class 25 Feb 2022 Download
Forest School – Conker Class 25 Feb 2022 Download
Spanish Club 25 Feb 2022 Download
Ash Class 21 Feb 2022 Download
Parents Evening 21 Feb 2022 Download
Driving and parking around the Academy 11 Feb 2022 Download
Update on funds raised by Friends of Wren Academy 11 Feb 2022 Download
World Book Day 11 Feb 2022 Download
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023 Field Trial 11 Feb 2022 Download
Year 6 – End of Primary Phase Plans and Hoodie 9 Feb 2022 Download
Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 9 Feb 2022 Download
World Book Day 7 Feb 2022 Download
Ash Class Assembly 2 Feb 2022 Download
Beech Class Assembly 2 Feb 2022 Download
Maple Class Assembly 2 Feb 2022 Download
World Book Day 2 Feb 2022 Download
Years 3 and 4 Rescheduled Swimming Lessons 31 Jan 2022 Download
Beech Class Assembly 24 Jan 2022 Download
Maple Class Assembly 24 Jan 2022 Download
Snow Procedures 24 Jan 2022 Download
Year 2 Trips in February 2022 24 Jan 2022 Download
Year 5 Residential 24 Jan 2022 Download
Year 5 Residential Medical Permissions Form 24 Jan 2022 Download
Year 6 – SATs Presentation 13 Jan 2022 Download
Year 6 Trip: Matilda the Musical 11 Jan 2022 Download
Christmas Market FWA Thank You 10 Jan 2022 Download
Year 4 Trip: West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village 10 Jan 2022 Download
Years 3 and 4 Swimming Lessons 6 Jan 2022 Download
Attendance Procedures and Uniform 5 Jan 2022 Download
Winter Board Challenge 16 Dec 2021 Download
After School Clubs 14 Dec 2021 Download
Years 3 and 4 Swimming Lessons 14 Dec 2021 Download
Last day of Term Arrangements 13 Dec 2021 Download
Mixed Team Football Match 9 Dec 2021 Download
Years 3 – 6 Carol Services 8 Dec 2021 Download
Christmas Market 7 Dec 2021 Download
Years 3 – 6 Carol Services 7 Dec 2021 Download
Netball Match 6 Dec 2021 Download
Reception Nativity 6 Dec 2021 Download
Year 1 and 2 Christmas Play Performances 6 Dec 2021 Download
Girls Football League Match 3 Dec 2021 Download
Netball Coaching 29 Nov 2021 Download
Year 5 PSHE Curriculum Afternoon 29 Nov 2021 Download
Year 6 PSHE Curriculum Afternoon 29 Nov 2021 Download
Christmas Lunch 26 Nov 2021 Download
Netball Coaching 26 Nov 2021 Download
Year 5 – Planetarium Workshop 26 Nov 2021 Download
Year 5 – Planetarium Workshop 26 Nov 2021 Download
Whole School Photograph 25 Nov 2021 Download
Christmas Market Raffle Tickets 23 Nov 2021 Download
Reception – Local Church Visit 23 Nov 2021 Download
Netball and Football Coaches 22 Nov 2021 Download
Reception: Mystery Reader Initiative 22 Nov 2021 Download
Reception – Reminder of Phonics Workshop 22 Nov 2021 Download
Year 5 PSHE Curriculum Afternoon 22 Nov 2021 Download
Year 6 Easter Revision Classes 22 Nov 2021 Download
Year 6 PSHE Curriculum Afternoon 22 Nov 2021 Download
The Wren Press 15 Nov 2021 Download
Anti-Bullying Week and Children in Need 10 Nov 2021 Download
Anti-Racist Culture Survey 9 Nov 2021 Download
Reception: Trip to Arts Depot 8 Nov 2021 Download
Anti-Racist Culture Survey 8 Nov 2021 Download
Year 5 Residential Trip 4 Nov 2021 Download
Outdoor Christmas Market 3 Nov 2021 Download
Code Club Opportunity 18 Oct 2021 Download
Year 6 Netball Matches 15 Oct 2021 Download
Friends of Wren Fireworks 14 Oct 2021 Download
Ash Class 13 Oct 2021 Download
Birch Class 13 Oct 2021 Download
Elm Class 13 Oct 2021 Download
Maple Class 13 Oct 2021 Download
Christmas Card Project Deadline 8 Oct 2021 Download
Year 6 Netball Team 8 Oct 2021 Download
Year 6 Netball Team 8 Oct 2021 Download
Forest School 4 Oct 2021 Download
Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 4 Oct 2021 Download
Born to Move After School Club 1 Oct 2021 Download
DaCapo - Try an Instrument 1 Oct 2021 Download
Harvest Festival Celebration Assembly 29 Sep 2021 Download
Parents Evening 29 Sep 2021 Download
Primary Photographs – Thursday 7 October 2021 28 Sep 2021 Download
Year 6 – Visit to a Local Church 28 Sep 2021 Download
Born to Move – Photography Consent 27 Sep 2021 Download
Reception - Our Families Display Boards 27 Sep 2021 Download
Ancient Greece Celebration Day 27 Sep 2021 Download
Year 6 – Netball Opportunity 27 Sep 2021 Download
Cedar Class Assembly 23 Sep 2021 Download
DaCapo - Choirs and Orchestra 22 Sep 2021 Download
Reception - Our Families Display Boards 21 Sep 2021 Download
Updated Pick Up Arrangements 20 Sep 2021 Download
Wren Academy Finchley Governors' Fund 20 Sep 2021 Download
Reception: Donation for Supplies 20 Sep 2021 Download
Year 6 Residential Trip 20 Sep 2021 Download
Year 6 – Secondary Admissions 14 Sep 2021 Download
Year 1 Trip to London Zoo 13 Sep 2021 Download
Friends of Wren Welcome Letter 13 Sep 2021 Download
Term Dates 10 Sep 2021 Download
Year 1 Trip to London Zoo 10 Sep 2021 Download
Flu Vaccinations 9 Sep 2021 Download
Try an Instrument Session 8 Sep 2021 Download
After School Clubs 7 Sep 2021 Download
Online Admissions 6 Sep 2021 Download
Equipment and stationery 10 Aug 2021 Download
FWA Sunflower Competition 16 Jul 2021 Download
Years 3 and 4 Swimming Lessons 15 Jul 2021 Download
End of Term Arrangements – Primary Phase 5 Jul 2021 Download
Parent Survey 5 Jul 2021 Download
Tapestry Profile and Transition to Year 1 Meeting 30 Jun 2021 Download
Arrangements for Sports Day 29 Jun 2021 Download
Arrangements for Sports Day 29 Jun 2021 Download
Primary Library Books 29 Jun 2021 Download
Wellbeing and Outdoor Learning Week 29 Jun 2021 Download
Friends of Wren News 28 Jun 2021 Download
Year 6 Residential Trip 24 Jun 2021 Download
Uniform for September 23 Jun 2021 Download
Sports Day, Art Exhibition and End of Year Reports 22 Jun 2021 Download
Case of Head Lice in Reception 21 Jun 2021 Download
Year 5 Transition to Secondary Evening 21 Jun 2021 Download
Maternity Leave Cover for Miss Divaira 21 Jun 2021 Download
Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Lunch Arrangements 21 Jun 2021 Download
Just Giving Campaign 2021 7 Jun 2021 Download
Summer Board Challenge 27 May 2021 Download
Primary - End of Half Term Arrangements 27 May 2021 Download
Year 2 Playground Behaviour 27 May 2021 Download
Friends of Wren Academy 24 May 2021 Download
Shop@Wren - Our very own charity shop 24 May 2021 Download
Reception: Health Needs Assessment 24 May 2021 Download
Transition to Secondary 18 May 2021 Download
Year 3 - After School Tutoring 18 May 2021 Download
Year 4 - After School Tutoring 18 May 2021 Download
Transition to Secondary 17 May 2021 Download
Year 5 Morning Tutoring 14 May 2021 Download
Face Coverings 14 May 2021 Download
Year 2 Morning Tutoring 13 May 2021 Download
Year 3 Morning Tutoring 13 May 2021 Download
Year 4 Morning Tutoring 13 May 2021 Download
Year 5 Morning Tutoring 13 May 2021 Download
Walk to School Week 11 May 2021 Download
FWA Frozen Fridays 10 May 2021 Download
NSPCC Speak Out 10 May 2021 Download
Parking on Hilton Avenue 7 May 2021 Download
FWA Board Challenge 6 May 2021 Download
STEM Week 5 May 2021 Download
Birthday Books 4 May 2021 Download
Primary Sports Day 4 May 2021 Download
Years 3-5 Lunch Arrangements 4 May 2021 Download
Air Pollution Survey 27 Apr 2021 Download
Year 4 Multiplication Tables 26 Apr 2021 Download
FWA Matchfunding Cookbook 22 Apr 2021 Download
Barnet School Dance Festival 21 Apr 2021 Download
Reception Vision and Hearing Screening 21 Apr 2021 Download
SEND Report 5 Apr 2021 Download
Chess Club 5 Apr 2021 Download
After School Club 1 Apr 2021 Download
Allotment Visits 1 Apr 2021 Download
Year 5 RE Topic 29 Mar 2021 Download
Student Uniform Policy 29 Mar 2021 Download
Easter Colour and Walk Bingo 29 Mar 2021 Download
Easter Word Challenge 29 Mar 2021 Download
Summer Uniform 29 Mar 2021 Download
Online Safety 29 Mar 2021 Download
Easter Activity Sheet 29 Mar 2021 Download
Sopt the Difference and Word Search 29 Mar 2021 Download
School Streest Scheme 22 Mar 2021 Download
End of Term Arrangements 22 Mar 2021 Download
Years 3-5 Lunch Arrangements 15 Mar 2021 Download
School Day Timings 8 Mar 2021 Download
The Wren Press 3 Mar 2021 Download
Miss Divaira 1 Mar 2021 Download
Years 3-5 Lunch Arrangements 1 Mar 2021 Download
Device Loan Return 1 Mar 2021 Download
World Book Week 26 Feb 2021 Download
Return to School 25 Feb 2021 Download
Individual Photographs 8 Feb 2021 Download
Years 3-5 Lunch Arrangements 8 Feb 2021 Download
Year 1 Read - Write Lessons 4 Feb 2021 Download
Wellness Wednesday 29 Jan 2021 Download
Beech Class Update 28 Jan 2021 Download
Beech Class 25 Jan 2021 Download
Wellbeing Wednesday 25 Jan 2021 Download
Multiplication Tables Check 25 Jan 2021 Download
Virtual parents Evening 25 Jan 2021 Download
FWA Cookbook 21 Jan 2021 Download
Feedback Questionaires 20 Jan 2021 Download
Reading and Spelling Programme 19 Jan 2021 Download
Key Worker Status 11 Jan 2021 Download
New Times for Collection and Dropoff 8 Jan 2021 Download
Online Learning Update 7 Jan 2021 Download
PE Lessons 7 Jan 2021 Download
Medical Tracker 6 Jan 2021 Download
Power Maths Book 6 Jan 2021 Download
Reception Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Year 1 Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Year 2 Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Year 3 Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Year 4 Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Year 5 Timetable 4 Jan 2021 Download
Key Worker Children 4 Jan 2021 Download
Guide to Live Lessons 4 Jan 2021 Download
New Pick Up System 4 Jan 2021 Download
New Afternoon Collection 4 Jan 2021 Download
Return to the Academy 30 Dec 2020 Download
Return to School 18 Dec 2020 Download
FWA Board Challenge 17 Dec 2020 Download
Nativity Video 16 Dec 2020 Download
Forest School Conker Class 15 Dec 2020 Download
Forest School Acorn Class 15 Dec 2020 Download
The Wren Press 14 Dec 2020 Download
End of Term Arrangements - Updated 9 Dec 2020 Download
End of Term Arrangements – Primary Phase 8 Dec 2020 Download
Barnet Council Letter 8 Dec 2020 Download
Operation Encompass 7 Dec 2020 Download
Year 5 PSHE Curriculum Morning 7 Dec 2020 Download
Walk to Lapland Challenge 26 Nov 2020 Download
Catering Requests for Allergies and Religious Reasons 13 Nov 2020 Download
Harvest Festival 2020 23 Oct 2020 Download