Year 5 - Ash and Willow

Year 5 Class News

Year 5 have enjoyed designing their dream school this term.

We narrowed down our big and wonderful (swimming pool, gaming room, street food) ideas into feasible, fun and well planned architectural designs. The highlight was having Maximus’s mum, a hugely experienced architect, in to speak with us about her work.

The children asked brilliant, thoughtful and knowledgeable questions and we all learnt a lot.

Autumn Term

YLAYear 5 have been completing their Archbishop Young Leaders Award programme, focusing on leadership development with Mrs Bolster.

The children have been engaging in a series of dynamic activities designed to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a leader.  They explored the qualities that make a good leader, such as empathy, resilience and effective communication.  They have also been involved in practical ways in which they could cultivate their leadership skills, by taking part in class activities that involve these leadership skills.

We are looking forward to seeing them continue their hard work towards this award in Autumn 2.

Summer Term

Year 5 grew in confidence for their cooking and washing up skills! 

We developed our fine cutting skills, using sharp knives safely to cut fruit and vegetables.  We looked at classic British dishes and seasonality, making Eaton mess followed by soup.

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Spring Term 2

The following paragraphs are a compilation of Harry, Aniya, Darius, Matilda and Armando's recounts (children in Year 5 Willow Class).

On Wednesday 20 March (2 o'clock to be exact) the Year 5 assembly took place with jaw-dropping moments, surprising all. It all began when an avid teacher bounded on stage, clutching an atlas. The spotlight pointed at us, beckoning me to speak. Excitement bubbled and brewed inside me. Of course, the youths did not know an abundance of facts about volcanoes; they were only acquainted with the one from Disney. They travelled back in time, using the Doctor Who music, to broaden up and enlarge their knowledge of earthquakes and volcanoes.

The first stop places them 550 million years ago where they learn about the development of tectonic plates, aided by a few helpers and a tectonic plate, when they then have to travel to cretaceous extinction (66 million years ago). That fatal day, a huge asteroid (nicknamed the Chicxlub asteroid) slammed into Brazil's Yucatan peninsula, wiping out almost all life on earth as we know it.

From dancing tectonic plates to peculiar scientists, they finally reached Pompeii in 79 AD.  There they brushed up some dusty singers and learned that life is more precious than anything. Pompeii was an eye-watering experience!

The most nerve racking part was when there was a technical issue with the music. I bit my lip: what would happen? Sweat trickled down my brow. However, we rapped our way through the situation, nodding our heads with the beat.

Spring Term 1

Year 5 had an exciting time designing, making and evaluating bridges, which included truss bridges, suspension bridges and arch bridges. We tested that they worked with miniature cars and then experienced an earthquake (of shaking tables) that put their sturdiness to the test!

Only a few remained!

In Wows and Wellbeing Year 5 have been designing and creating a school this half term. We were very grateful to have a parent architect come in and teach us all about the designing process.

We then worked in classes to design the different rooms of our school and then create them out of shoeboxes.

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Autumn Term 2

Year 5 have been working on their Archbishops Young Leaders Award this term. They considered the characteristics of a good leader and then researched a variety of leaders from the past and present.

We then moved on to identify the challenges facing our local, national and global community, before considering how they can be the change in these three areas. It has been great to see Year 5 share their ideas, engage with the activities we have done and develop their leadership skills.

We completed the award by working on the final community action challenge, where students had to do a task that made a difference to those around them. Throughout the term students also had to complete challenges set on the Archie’s Challenge grid.

Thank you to all our parents and carers for their support with these challenges.

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Autumn Term 1

Year 5 have been completing a young leaders award in their Wows and Wellbeing sessions. Well done to all those who completed these challenges at home. Are there any other challenges which you could complete that would help others in our community?


Summer Term 2

In Wows and Wellbeing this half term, Ash and Willow Class have been preparing to run four stalls for our annual Summer Fair. The four stalls included games: Splat the Rat, Feed the Shark and Find the Coloured Peg. In addition, the children sold books to the Summer Fair visitors. We are very proud of the fantastic collaboration the children demonstrated for this event. Thank you to Friends of Wren for their support.


Summer Term 1

This half term, Ash Class have been learning more about the three children Wren Academy sponsor through the organisation, Compassion UK. In the sessions, the children used their computing skills to type letters to Queen, Buteme and Jesus. The class also created some fantastic posters to promote the organisation and inform people of how sponsoring children can support them to have access to water, medicine and education.

Ash Class have showed empathy and shared reflective thoughts about how others could support children like Buteme, Queen and Jesus.


Spring Term 2

Year 5 have loved their DT cooking sessions during the last half term. We developed precise cutting skills, when using sharp knives and then applied these to help us make soup. We learnt about seasonality of fruit and vegetables and we made an Eton mess with frozen berries as they were not in season.

Well done Year 5 for your super cooking skills and for managing to use sharp knives safely!

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Spring Term 1

In Wows and Wellbeing this term, Ash and Willow Class have been getting their green fingers out and helping with our school allotment. The children had the opportunity each week to go to the allotment on a Friday afternoon and pick the remaining fruit and vegetables that are growing including apples and tomatoes. Additionally, we have been making sure the soil is weeded and ready for planting more produce and plants in the upcoming terms. Thankfully, each week the weather was great and they used the time as a well-earnt brain break from their learning in school. It was fantastic to see how the children have been responsible and considered how to work together as a team when using the equipment and completing jobs.


Autumn Term

In Wows and Wellbeing this term, Ash and Willow Class have been getting their green fingers out and helping with our school allotment.

The children have had the opportunity each week to go to the allotment on a Friday afternoon and pick the remaining fruit and vegetables that are growing, including apples and tomatoes.  Additionally, we have been making sure the soil is weeded and ready for planting more produce and plants in the upcoming terms. Thankfully, each week the weather has been great and they have used the time as a well-earnt brain break from their learning in school.

It has been fantastic to see how the children have been responsible and have considered how to work together as a team when using the equipment and completing jobs.

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Summer Term 2

The Year 5 children have really enjoyed planning, working together and developing ideas for their community cohesion project this term. They have researched different charities and causes, and have decided to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), to help babies and children who are suffering from genetic conditions and need life saving treatment, or other essential medical help.

The classes have started working on posters, sponsorship and plans for their own fun run. They are really looking forward to the big day and some have even started training! We are proud of the children who displayed excellent group work and ideas for this Year 5 project.

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Summer Term 1

Year 5 have had such a busy term! They have been completing a entrepreneur project for the school disco. They had come up with exciting ideas to sell certain items at the disco. They have been learning about profit and loss as well as the importance of marketing. Well done for all of your hard work. They have also been spending time rehearsing for their wonderful class assemblies.
