Year 1 - Cherry and Holly

Year 1 Class News

Spring Term

In Year 1, we have been busy working towards the Silver Mini Duke Award.

The children have been learning how to create and make a range of different knots by following step-by-step instructional videos! Children created double bow knots, reef knots and the Figure of eight knot.  Some were more challenging than others, but Year 1 used their Resilient Rosie Superpowers to persevere and have fun in the process, then helped others to make some, but it was fun learning how to do them.

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Autumn Term

During the first half term (to help with the smooth transition from Reception to Year 1), the children's Wows and Wellbeing sessions have been focused on continuous provision, building on how well they learnt in Reception.  They have enjoyed playing with their peers, choosing what to do and working cooperatively on various activities including puzzles, crafts, activities to improve fine motor skills, storytelling with puppets and whole class games.

The children have managed the transition to Year 1 incredibly well and are settling into the new routines brilliantly.  Well done everyone, we are so proud of you.

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Summer Term

In Wows and Wellbeing Year 1 looked at healthy cooking.  We looked at different fruits and made healthy fruit kebabs.  The children learnt how to use the cutlery safely to cut up their chosen fruit.  We also made pita pizzas where the children each made their own one.  They spread the tomato sauce onto the pita, then they added some cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers.  The children really enjoyed this activity!

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Spring Term 2

Year 1 have been learning about the importance of kindness and caring for others. We spoke about care homes in our community, their importance and why they are necessary. Although we were not able to visit one, the children made Easter cards to be posted to the local care home in North Finchley, Ashfield Residential Care Home, which were delivered to the residents in time for Easter!

This selfless act of kindness gave the children a sense of pride and compassion, and opened up the dialogue for children to ask questions about people in our wider community.

Spring Term 1

Year 1 had a wonderful time by planning and creating their own lovely sliders and drew amazing backgrounds. 

Children explored a variety of storybooks with moving parts on the children’s tables to get the idea then planned their own designs. Children were encouraged by the moving pictures and they were curious about the mechanism of the moving sliders. They were excited to see all the moving parts and grasped the idea of making their own one. Children tried out lots of different mechanism to create their sliders.  They went through all the information on the slides about the different ways they could create sliders using colourful cards and papers.  Finally, they discussed what worked well and how they made the slider or the background picture better if they were to make a sliding mechanism again.

This term Year 1 has also started their Mini Duke, which is all about learning how to become more independent! 

We have discussed and learnt about what it means to be a Mini Duke, that Mini Duke's are sensible and able to solve problems independently and maturely.

We have had so much fun with the activities, particularly trying to learn some tongue twisters! We also played games in groups, making sure we are playing fairly and following the rules of the game.

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Autumn Term 2

Last term Year 1 had been rehearsing and practicing for the Key Stage 1 Nativity for our Wows and Wellbeing! Holly Class and Cherry Class loved every second learning the songs and choreography for the Nativity and it really showed as they were beautiful on stage! We cannot wait to see what they do in Year 2.






Autumn Term 1

This half term, the children have been taking part in continuous provision as part of their transition to Year 1. They have enjoyed playing with their peers and working cooperatively on puzzles and turn taking games as well as choosing to participate in craft activities and whole class games. The children have managed the transition to Year 1 well and are settling into the new routines. Well done everyone!


Summer Term 2

During Wows and Wellbeings, Year 1 took part in The Junior Duke Award. We learnt a range of skills from tying a knot, tying shoelaces, reading with expression, the importance of listening and turn taking.

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Summer Term 1

Year 1 have been learning all about healthy snacks that they could take for a day out at the seaside. They spent time together discussing the different fruits they like and planned a shopping list of ingredients they would need to design and make their own rainbow fruit kebabs.

The children chose a variety of fruits including apples, grapes, bananas, mango, satsumas, blueberries and strawberries. The children had a wonderful time making their fruit kebabs together and enjoyed eating their work!

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Spring Term

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed going to the allotments. We learnt how to take out weeds in and prepare the flower beds for planting.

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Autumn Term 2

In Year 1 last term, our Wows and Wellbeing lessons have been to practice for the Key Stage One nativity 'Lights, Camel, Action'.

Both classes enjoyed being involved in choreographing their dances for 'Disco Star' and 'Funky Camels'. The final dance was a big hit in Year One as all the children enjoyed singing and dancing to the famous Shakin Stevens - Merry Christmas everyone.

We hope you enjoyed it!


Autumn Term 1

This term, to help with the smooth transition from Reception to Year 1, the children's Wow and Wellbeing sessions have been focused on our continuous provision.

The children were able to choose what they would like to play with and they chose to create models with playdough, draw pictures, play on the interactive smart board, read in the castle, strengthen their cutting skills and create puppets to retell our class story, The Paper Bag Princess.

Fun was had by all.

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Summer Term 2

Last term we have been enjoying cooking. We have prepared a cheese wrap and a tasty fruit salad. We also learnt about how important it is to wash our hands before and after preparing food and how to be careful when using kitchen equipment.


Summer Term 1

For the Year 1 Community Cohesion Project, they have made a link with a local nursing home. 

The children learnt about life stages, focusing on growing older. The Year 1 children decided to make some beautiful Easter cards for the residents at Hilton Lodge. They were all excited to deliver their cards and the residents were happy to receive them.