Year 2 - Elm and Fir

Year 2 Class News

Spring Term

In Year 2, for our Wows and Wellbeing we focused on the Design in the Built Environment project.

We learned how to create picture collages by taking photographs of buildings, streets and landmarks and posting them on SeeSaw to reflect on what makes a place special. As part of our learning, we focused on North Finchley, observing its architecture, public spaces and community features. Using our photographs, we then created a picture collage of North Finchley, showcasing the elements that make it a vibrant and welcoming place. This activity helped us develop our creativity, digital skills and appreciation for the built environment around us.

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Autumn TermGreen planet

This term, Year 2 explored the question, What makes our world amazing? with a visit to nature, where they observed plants and animals up close.

The children learnt how living things grow and survive, linking these discoveries to our science topic on growth and survival. Through hands on exploration, they saw first hand the incredible ways that nature sustains life, inspiring a deeper appreciation for the natural world around us.

It was a memorable experience that brought learning to life.

Summer TermY2

During March, April and May, Year 2 took part in the Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award. They learnt about what makes a good leader through four characteristics: Kindness, Perseverance, Teamwork and Action. Students explored these values by engaging with Gracie’s story, Bible stories and other activities. At the end of each section, students were set a challenge which they needed to complete to gain an award sticker for that characteristic. Their challenges included performing acts of kindness, teaching a new skill to another child, helping another class and creating cards and posters to make an impact in their local and wider community. Thank you to all our parents and carers for their support with these challenges. We look forward to giving out certificates to all the Year 2 students. 


Spring Term 2

In Year 2 the children have been busy learning with our school chaplain, Ms. Bolster. The children have undertaken the Junior Duke Award. They have been learning what it means to be a leader and have been learning about perseverance and kindness. The children completed a kindness task where they had to do kind gestures!

Spring Term 1

We had a fun and exciting day for Design and Technology Day. We were joined by a group of Year 9 volunteers who aided the children in their learning. The children learnt all about pop up books! We were inspired by our book Traction Man by Mini Grey to create a story all about our very own action superheroes. We learnt how to make a flap, a spring and an L slider pop up mechanism. The children had a fantastic day and were very proud of their creations!

In Wows and Wellbeing, we have been learning all about Design in the Built Environment.

We have discussed our local area and what we might find there and have looked at different buildings to see how they are similar and different.

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Autumn Term 2

Year 2 had been working hard every week in our Wows and Wellbeing sessions to learn the songs and actions for our Christmas play. The children had been rehearsing their lines, thinking about how to project their voices and use expression to give a truly wonderful performance! We hope you all enjoyed the show!







Autumn Term

For our Wows and Wellbeing this half term we got to attend to our school allotment. It was very exciting arriving in the allotment. We saw all sorts of plants, flowers and even some vegetables. We saw tomatoes, green beans and pumpkins to name a few!

When we got to our plot, we observed everything we could see by illustrating pictures. Then we went on a tour of the allotment and tried to name as many plants, insects and vegetables as possible.

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Summer Term 2

Year 2 have been working fantastically well on their Archbishops' Young Leaders Award this term. They have looked at four characteristics that make a great Young Leader - Kindness, Perseverance, Teamwork and Action. They have had to complete a challenge for each characteristic, including 'Acts of Kindness', teaching someone a new skill and helping our school community. The final challenge was to do an action to help the local or wider community. For this challenge, students either created a poster encouraging people to donate to a local charity shop or a local Food Bank, or they created cards which will be given to people to brighten their day.

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Summer Term 1

Year 2 have been working on their Archbishops Young Leaders Award this term with Mrs Bolster. They will be learning about what makes a good leader through four characteristics: Kindness, Perseverance, Teamwork and Action.

So far this term, we have looked at Kindness and Perseverance through Gracie’s story and Bible stories. Students have had the opportunity to wonder about the Bible stories through drawing, making, drama and play. At the end of each section, students are set a challenge which they must complete to gain an award sticker for that characteristic. The first challenge was to perform acts of kindness.

Thank you to all our parents and carers for their support with these challenges.

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Spring Term

Year 2 have enjoyed taking part in their cookery lessons this half term. The children learnt the best ways to be hygienic when cooking; washing hands, not licking fingers and equipment and the reasons why it is not good to do these things. We spoke about ways to stay safe in the kitchen, for eg. not using sharp knives or the oven without adult supervision.

In week two the children had the opportunity to make their own fruit salad cup, which they filled with grapes, strawberries, apples and satsumas. In week three, the children made pitta pizzas. They watched a video about making dough and how in some pizzerias they swing the dough in the air to stretch it out. The children also enjoyed making rice krispy cakes. We spoke about solids and liquids whilst watching the chocolate melt.


Autumn Term 2

Year 2 had worked hard every week in our wows and wellbeing sessions to learn songs and actions for our Christmas play. The children rehearsed their lines, thinking about how to project their voices and use some expression too. Groups of children worked incredibly hard to learn dance routines and be in time with the music. We are so proud of all their hard work and effort.


Autumn Term 1

This term In Geography we have been learning about the seven continents and five oceans.

The children solved jigsaw puzzles of world maps and were able to confidently name the seven continents and five oceans.

The children also have been learning a song to help them remember the names of each continent.

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Summer Term 2

In Year 2, our community cohesion project is about donating shoes to the Sal's Shoes Project.

The children have learnt information about the project, who set it up and why. We decided to delay donating shoes until Summer Term 2 as most children will buy new shoes for September, so will be able to donate their shoes in July. The children have all designed posters to put up during this half term.


Summer Term 1

Year 2 have been super excited to make and bake some delicious food this half term. The children had the opportunity to use the cooking room in the secondary building where they have made; fruit kebabs, scones and pizza.  Year 2 were able to discuss and learn about how to stay safe in a kitchen using sharp and hot equipment.  The children were all excited to take their food home to eat.

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