Year 5 - Willow Class

Willow Class News

Spring Term 2022

Spring Term in Year 5 Class has been a very busy term.  During our earthquakes and volcanoes topic, we worked in groups to build our own volcanoes and we were even able to make them 'explode', using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda!

We have loved learning about the Victorians and were so excited to be able to show our parents what we have learnt in our class assembly at the end of term.  Dressed up in our Victorian costumes, we acted out scenes showing the lives of children during the 1800s and early 1900s, from mine workers to school children, housemaids to wealthy families. 

Another highlight during the Spring Term has been our residential trip: a wonderful adventure in Epping Forest.  We learnt map skills, how to identify trees and sang songs by the campfire. 

Volcano EF

Spring Term 2020

For the majority of children we were teaching remotely. This involved a daily English and Maths live lesson as well as one other live lessons focusing on a  range of other topics such as French, RE, History, Geography and Science. We also celebrated Wellbeing Wednesday where all children tried to spend the day off the screen focusing on their wellbeing. We are so proud of all families and children for their resilience during this time.

Some wonderful work was completed during this time.

Willow Willow (3) Willow (2)

Autumn Term 2020

This term Willow Class have been reading a book called Ice Trap!  Which entails the story of Ernest Shackleton's expedition to be the first person to travel and explore the Arctic area. The children had to re-enact a scene from the book and explain how these characters would be feeling when finding out that their boat is stuck and is near sinking.

Willow Class have also been practicing their debating skills in RE.  The children had to debate whether we should follow Science or Religion and how they could both link together.  As we can see, this was a topic the children found very interesting.  We wish we could have kept these going for hours.


During this term, Year 5 produced some beautiful footprints during our Wren Vision Day! Each child designed their footprint with our colour theme...RED!  As you can see, the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and produced some lovely footprints for our display.

Willow Class 1 Willow Class 2 Willow Class

Willow Class

Willow tree leaf