At Wren, we combine our ambition for students to achieve outstanding academic results with an emphasis on developing the skills to help them become accomplished life-long learners.
In Reception, we follow the Early Years framework. Lessons are planned based on the children’s needs and interests. At this age your input is essential, therefore we offer an online assessment profile which means you can see exactly what your child has been doing in class and also contribute by describing learning they have been completing at home.
To support the Early Years framework curriculum we teach all the objectives through interesting and inspiring topics. These are evaluated each year and developed as well as changed mid-year depending on children’s individual interests and needs. We run a structured day for Reception children with daily Read Write Inc and Maths sessions, however we also have valued continuous provision time. During the continuous provision, children complete a range of child initiated activities to enable them to apply key skills they have learnt in all areas of learning and practice their Early learning goals. Interventions are set up to support children and every child’s needs are catered for during this time.
Please click here for a link to our curriculum overview for our Reception.
Key Stage1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)
We aim to make our children’s learning experiences varied and inclusive; achieving high standards, particularly in English and Mathematics, remains our main objective. We place particular emphasis on the acquisition of basic skills, but also provide excellent opportunities for Sport, Languages, Music and Art, and also Science for Year 6 students, by connecting with our specialist teachers from the secondary school. Wren Academy has the highest expectations for all children and all are provided with opportunities to discover and develop their own unique talents. A detailed curriculum has been planned and designed by the Headteacher, Leadership Team and Subject Leaders, with input from the teachers to ensure it extends children’s core skills in reading, writing and Maths but also allows them to master key skills in other areas of the curriculum, such as History, Geography and Science. We have detailed progression of skills documentsto ensure that each year group builds upon prior learning. Retreival practise and precision teaching are key stratigies we use to support childrens development. Developing children’s key vocabulary is a priority of ours and is a part of every lesson.
In KS2 we study key topics across the term, which link to the core values we want to teach the children, underpinned by a big question e.g. Were the Tudors Heartsmart? This gets them to link core knowledge to everyday life and our Christian Vision of teaching key values such as thankfulness, forgiveness and overcoming adversity through resilience. We have chosen this approach to ensure our curriculum becomes meaningful to the children. Children learning about the Tudors get to discuss equality and what it takes to become a good leader, which brings our curriculum to life. Children also work towards meaningful outcomes, such as producing a presentation for the Head of History from the Secondary phase, designing a real costume for our shows or producing an assembly. This is motivation for our children and ensures they are loving their learning.
Curriculum Overview
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Reception
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 1
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 2
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 3
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 4
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 5
Please click here to see the Curriculum Overview for Year 6
SPAG Yearly Overview
We teach spelling, punctuation and Grammar as part of our reading and writing lessons, but we also have stand alone lessons where children can practise and apply their learning. An overview of what the children cover is in the link below.
Please click here to see the SPAG yearly overview.
At Wren Academy, Read Write Inc is established across Reception and KS1. Children are organised into groups which ensure the teacher can plan for the specific needs in their group. In Reception, we have daily phonics lessons as well as daily writing and reading sessions. Child initiated writing in Reception is promoted and we love seeing the progress the children make so quickly in this area. Children are taught handwriting alongside phonics using the RWI phrases. We follow a bespoke Wren handwriting programme which sets the aspiration for the majority of children joining their writing by the end of Year 2 and using the correct lead in’s by the end of Year 1. The handwriting programme also supports children’s spellings as it is written to match our curriculum. There is a detailed overview for each year group to focus on SPAG, and spellings are sent home to parents every week. As well as Read Write Inc, we also teach 'Talk for Writing' units to develop children's speaking and listening skills, creativity and imagination. Children get immersed into a text and learn it off by heart, which enables them to learn key sentence patterns to support their own writing.
We are incredibly passionate about the teaching of reading. The children begin in Reception and KS1 with Read Write Inc learning the basics of fluency, however we focus on bringing those lessons to life with creativity and getting children excited about the text. Children take books home which match their reading level and they are assessed every 6-8 weeks by our reading leader, to ensure the books match their ability accurately. We ask that parents read daily with their children, as we strongly feel this is the most important thing for their development.
In KS1 and we hold regular Book Club lessons. This is the chance where teachers get to read with a group and immerse them in a text, support them with fluency, expression, understanding and intonation.
In KS2 children have whole class reading sessions which we call I Love Reading. This focusses on teaching children key reading skills such as inference and comprehension. These lessons are creative and active, allowing children to really love to read. Teachers also read 1:1 with children once a fortnight and write in the children's reading record so parents are aware of their targets. We also suggest recommended reads to encourage children to try new high quality texts. We also have access the The Week Junior, giving children the chance to read interesting articles and facts, which then develops their citizenship and understanding of the world further.
Our Sixth Form students come and complete additional 1 to 1 reading with a variety of children across the school which the children love. Children at Wren have a love of reading, with World Book Week being voted the children’s favourite themed week.
In Maths, we use the White Rose scheme, which enables us to teach core mathematical skills through a mastery approach, where children develop their reasoning, fluency, and problem-solving skills.
We follow our calculation policy and Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) methods to support mastery. This approach allows children to build a deep, conceptual understanding by first using concrete resources, then visual representations, and finally abstract methods, ensuring they grasp mathematical concepts thoroughly before moving to the next stage.
Our Calculation Policy can be found by clicking here.
Together, White Rose and our calculation policy create a structured and supportive learning environment, allowing every child to progress confidently in their mathematical journey.
Please click here to read the Mathematics Overviews for all year groups.
An important part of our curriculum is our Personal, Social and Health Education. This includes a range of topics from emotions, friendships, citizenship, managing money and relationships, sex and health education. We use a scheme of work called Jigsaw to deliver these important lessons alongside our Christian Vision and Heartsmart ethos.
Jigsaw nurtures children to be confident and successful, increasing their capacity to learn and prepares them for the challenges of the modern world. Developed by teachers and well-being experts, Jigsaw provides children with opportunities to develop their emotional intelligence and life skills. We teach children about respectful relationships, caring friendships, online relationships, staying safe, healthy life styles and health and sex education, in line with statutory guidelines. We celebrate all different types of families within our community ensuring all children feel included and represented.
Please click here to read the PSHE Overviews for all year groups.
Wows and Wellbeing Projects
At Wren Academy the children’s personal development is of equal importance to use as their academic development. Each half term the children complete a project which develops a range of skills:
A class assembly or show – Allocating time to this is of vital importance and ensures children get focused time to develop their speaking and listening and performance skills. We love inviting parents in to see the children perform everything they have learnt about a topic, or have the opportunity to use their acting, dance or singing skills, which are really valued here at Wren.
Allotment – Our allotment is funded by our Friends of Wren Academy and our children love to visit. They complete a range of planting and care tasks, enabling them to learn all about healthy eating, growth and caring for our environment.
Entrepreneur project – The children are able to set up a mini business and learn all about money and marketing as they support one of our school events, such as our Christmas Fair. The list of what the children support is below.
Community Project – We want to ensure the children have a understanding of the world around them and some of the challenges which are faced in our community, such as the importance of food banks etc. The list of projects are outlined below, however these do change as the children often come up with their own ideas and lead their own courageous advocacy.
Reception – Visiting and learning about Oakleigh special school.
Year 1 – Understanding the importance of care home and visiting or making cards for vulnerable people.
Year 2 – Complete the project ‘Sal’s shoes’ collecting shoes and sending them to families who need them.
Year 3 - Adopt a charity Children choose a Charity to learn about and support.
Year 4 – Food banks – Understanding the importance of food banks and why they are used.
Year 5 – Understanding what it is like to be a young carer.
Year 6 – Homelessness – Children learn about how we can support the homeless and work with Barnet in Action.
Cooking – This is a vital part of our design and technology curriculum and the children have the chance to use the food technology room in the secondary school to learn about nutrition, as well as practical skills such as cutting, chopping and mixing.
Daily Mile and Wellbeing – We feel teaching children about the importance of good physical and mental health is vital and this adds to the work they learn in their PSHE lessons.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Reception |
Continous Provision | Nativity | Design Technology / Sewing / Weaving / Threading | Design in the Built Environment / Den Building | Cooking | Allotment |
Year 1 |
Design in the Built Environment | Nativity | Mini Duke | Cooking | Allotment |
Commuity - Visit Christ Church café for elderly Comapssion Letters |
Year 2 |
Allotment | Nativity | Cooking | Design in the Built Environment | Archbishop Young Leaders Award | Archbishop Young Leaders Award |
Year 3 |
Design in the Built Environment |
Beech Class Assembly - Stone Age Allotment |
Cooking | Junior Duke |
Birch Class Assembly - Romans Allotment |
Community - Adopt a Charity |
Year 4 |
Cedar Class Assembly - Rainforests Compassion |
Allotment |
Maple Class Assembly - Compassion |
Cooking | Design in the Built Environment | Junior Duke |
Year 5 |
Archbishop Young Leaders Award | Archbishop Young Leaders Award | Design in the Built Environment |
Willow Class Assembly - Allotment |
Ash Class Assembly - Tudors Allotment |
Cooking |
Year 6 |
Allotment |
Christmas Carols at Care Homes Christmas Fair |
Compassion | Design in the Built Environment | End of Year Show | Cooking |