Inclusion and SEND

Students with individual needs

A full copy of the Academy's Individual Needs Policy can be found in the Policies section of this website or via the link on the right hand side of this page.  You can also download our SEND report via the link on the right.  Some key points for parents appear below but please remember to contact your child's class teacher or Primary Headteacher if you have any questions or concerns which are not answered on the website.

All children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) will be considered for a place at Wren Academy should their parents select the school.  Other children with learning needs will be subject to the admissions policy as for all other applicants.  Young people with disabilities will also be subject to the application policy. 

When children are allocated a space at Wren Academy, we consult with nurseries before children start and each child and their parent receives an individual welcome meeting.  If possible, a detailed transition meeting is planned if support is being offered by the local authority or the pre school teaching team, or we visit the children in their nursery setting and meet with their key worker there.  If a child has not attended nursery, we will orgaise a home visit. We then thoroughly assess children before and on their arrival at the Academy in order to ensure we fully plan to meet their needs and support them with the transition. By doing this, we are confident that individual needs will be identified and a range of appropriate support and intervention strategies are put in place. These are individualised so that all young people are enabled to make the maximum progress of which they are capable.  It is of fundamental importance to us that students are not disadvantaged because of learning needs and that they are given appropriate support to thrive at school.

For details of our access arrangements for young people with individual needs, please see the Accessibility Policy in the Policies section of this website.

The SENDCo can be contacted via email at  Please address the email for the attention of Sophie Sanctuary.