Year 4 Class News
Spring Term
Year 4 have been working hard to prepare an exciting assembly all about Ancient Greece which they performed to their parents at the end of term! They practised songs, learning fascinating facts and even performed short scenes to bring the history to life.
The assembly featured everything from the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology to the origins of the Olympic Games, all presented with enthusiasm and creativity.
The children showcased their acting skills as they brought key moments from Ancient Greek history to the stage. It was a wonderful way for the children to demonstrate all they have learned and to share their knowledge!
Autumn Term
During Wows and Wellbeing, it has been so impactful learning about the fantastic work Compassion do for children living in poverty. We have all enjoyed finding out more information about Jesus, Queen and Buteme; the three children that Wren Academy sponsor through Compassion.
This term has opened our eyes to how lucky we all are, but also to what we can do for those less fortunate than us. With this in mind we have also learnt about the importance of foodbanks and how we can help to support, raise awareness and raise money for them.
Summer Term
This term, Year 4 have become Designers, Engineers and Builders by creating our own version of the new 55 Bishopsgate!
We have learnt about the structural engineering that has taken place when planning a large structure like this. Additionally, thinking about the style of building and how it is structurally made. From this, the children have been inspired and have created their own versions of the 55 Bishopsgate, labelling them with what materials they would like to use.
Eventually, the children have built and created their own structural building! We even had Ms Kirby, Head of Art and Design in Secondary, come and visit us to evaluate our final pieces. Well done Year 4.
Spring Term 2
Last term Year 4 have learnt about the value of money. All the children have learned where money comes from and how to make wise spending decisions.
The children loved discussing budgeting and how they would spend their budget if they were in a shop. Many of them loved understanding the concept of tax and payments that are made before you have your salary!
Spring Term 1
As part of the Year 4 topic on Ancient Greece, the children have learnt about the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, in which the ghastly Minotaur lives in a labyrinth. So for our DT day we designed, created and evaluated our own labyrinths.
We started by practising some mazes before designing our own on squared paper. We then cut craft straws to the correct size and used glue and card to create a maze.
Everyone's labyrinth was unique, with a puzzling combination of paths to reach the centre.
Year 4 were also delighted to welcome their parents and Year 3 children to watch their assembly about Ancient Greece. There were gods and goddesses, the tortoise and the hare, Theseus and the Minotaur and poor old Pheidippides (who inspired the modern-day marathon race).
All of the children in Year 4 have worked incredibly hard in their Wows and Wellbeing sessions this half term to learn their lines, sing songs and put on a brilliant performance, we are very proud of them.
Autumn Term 2
In the second half of the Autumn Term, Year 4 have been learning about seasonal foods and have been making some culinary delights in the Food Tech room. The children made sandwiches using a filling that they had mixed together. They also had the opportunity to design sandwich packets.  They then made some jam tarts, which looked delicious.
Autumn Term 1
This term, Year 4 have been focusing on our Wren Community Cohesion project.
Year 4 have found out about three children in countries across the world and how they live. We have also discussed what the project does and how we are able to communicate with children around the world. We have worked on letters and drawings to send to the children and share our experiences about our favourite foods and hobbies.
Summer Term 2
Year 4 have been having some time outdoors by spending time in our allotment!
We started with some weeding and organising the beds to look perfect. The children thoroughly enjoyed spending some time in the sun and looking around the allotment. Many of them said they would love to have their own! As we tidied, we spoke about possible vegetables that could be grown and why it is important for us to grow our own produce.
Summer Term 1
The children have been preparing their letters to send to some children who live in Uganda, Mexico, and Indonesia.
The children have planned and written some lovely letters, including some images of animals the children have learnt about in Science. They have also taken some time to learn about the countries that these children come from and the similarities and differences in how they may live compared to our lives in the UK.
Spring Term 2
In Maple Class, we practiced and performed our Class Assembly about Ancient Greece. The story took us on a journey back into Ancient Greece where we learned about Ancient Greek culture. As well as this, the actors re-enacted the great myths of 'Theseus and the Minotaur' and 'King Midas and the Golden Touch'. With some really dramatic performances, the children really brought these myths to life! From props, to costumes, to sound effects (of King Midas turning objects to gold), the children really entertained their audience.
The performance was an outstanding success with some really memorable moments - both tragic and hilarious!
We hope all parents and children who attended really enjoyed it.
Spring Term 1
Last term Year 4 had been using their Wows and Wellbeing sessions to do some cooking! We made vegan, nut and egg free cupcakes, allowing the children to see different ways of making well known foods.
The children thoroughly enjoyed it, with some of them saying they would like to try it again at home.
We cannot wait to see some pictures posted on seesaw with their cooking experiments!
Autumn Term
While Cedar class had their assembly, Maple class were taking part in the daily mile run every week! The children showed great Perserverance and determination to show their running skills.
Before the half term both classes were preparing for their rooms to transform...... but into what they were all wondering? Something tells me that they might have known a few things about it but . . . . . . . . . . . . update to follow!
Summer Term 2
In Year 4 this term we had the opportunity to visit our allotment and plant some fruit and vegetables. We exercised our green fingers with some weeding, preparing the soil, planting and then maintaining the area. We hope to see some wonderful produce growing soon. Some of the fruit and vegetables we planted included various peas and beans, butternut squash, raspberries and blackberries and we even planted some lavender to help the bees.
Summer Term 1
Year 4 have had a very successful community project donating items to Food Bank Aid in North Finchley. Thank you for parental support with the project. We were amazed to find out that 4000 eggs and 500kg of potatoes are given out every week and a million pounds worth of food in a year! We also found out that some of the food donated goes to a homeless shelter. Before donating items, we researched what could be taken, thought about why people might need food banks in our current climate and wrote anonymous letters to those receiving our donations.