Year 3 - Beech and Birch

Year 3 Class News

Summer Term

Year 3 Class Assembly

This half term Year 3 have worked hard to put together their Roman assembly. For this assembly all children spent time learning their lines and putting their best singing and acting skills to the test! Putting this assembly together has been a team effort and everyone has worked hard to create costumes, props as well as learn and teach lines and songs.

We are very proud of all of the children and have thoroughly enjoyed putting this assembly together and seeing the final performance made us feel even more proud!

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Spring Term 2

SwimYear 3 have enjoyed their swimming lessons during the last term. Each class was split into three groups depending on their swimming experience. It was incredible to see the progress made by all the children, particularly those that had not swam before.

The children ended the two weeks with a safety lesson where they had to wear their pyjamas over their swimming costumes! It was great fun and we are so proud of the effort and determination shown by everyone.

Spring Term 1

In year 3 children designed and made their very own Shaduf. A Shaduf is a tool that Ancient Egyptian farmers used transport water to their crops. Year 3 used straws, plasticine, cardboard and yoghurt pots to create their Shaduf, they worked very hard and created some lovely outcomes.

Year 3 have loved completing the Mini Duke this half term.

The children have created sports leaflets about famous sports personalities.  They have also been creating their own news reports where they have had the chance to act as the news reporter and have written their own scripts.

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Autumn Term 2

This term Year 3 have been looking at what an allotment is. They have been shown different pictures and have been able to create and design their own allotment. Beech class have been lucky enough to visit the allotment school during their Wows and Wellbeing lessons.







Autumn Term 1

During Wows and Wellbeing’s, Year 3 learnt key facts about famous landmarks across London. We started off by finding out key facts about The Arts Depot including its purpose and architecture, followed by Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and The London Eye. In groups we then made a fact file all about The London Eye.







Summer Term 2

This half term we had the pleasure of attending to the allotment planters. We took the short walk down the allotment and found our plot! The children were very excited to find our plot and could not wait to get their hands stuck in! Half of the class sat down next to the allotment and enjoyed drawing all the beautiful flowers and plants that they could see. The other half put on garden gloves and set to work weeding the planters. We then swapped over so everyone got to have a go at tending to our community allotment! It was tiring work and we enjoyed a big gulp of water when we got back to the classroom!


Summer Term 1

During our Wows and Wellbeing time, Birch Class were practicing for our class assembly all about the Romans! The children have worked so hard learning their lines, songs and dance moves. We talked about what it takes to act; we practiced standing up straight and facing the audience. We practiced using our outdoor voice to deliver our lines so that everyone could hear us. We also talked about using expression to portray our character.

The children really enjoyed practicing their assembly and I think this can be seen in their final performance which was a real success! Beech class enjoyed watching the performance preparation and were lucky enough to see the first dress rehearsal by Birch Class!

Beech class also learnt all about nature and how we could look after the world around us. We visited our allotment, embracing the opportunity to have green fingers and care for our environment. We even thought about how we could be an eco-friendly school using the vegetables we could grow in the allotments for STEAM Week! Furthermore, we created nature drawings to celebrate the local communities' efforts in the allotment!

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Spring Term 2

WWFYear 3 have been focusing on adopting a charity.

We have selected the WWF and will be learning more about what the charity does, while brain storming ways to support them.


Spring Term 1

Beech class worked on creating an amazing assembly all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We went on a journey through time and saw the creation of fire, evolution of humankind and the development of weapons and farming. We even sang a song about being Mammoth Hunters!

Birch class used their Wows and Wellbeing time to give each child a voice in a time to talk session, which allowed children to talk about something which is going on in the world.


Autumn Term

During our Wows and Wellbeing, we focused on physical health and our wellbeing while at school.

We took part in the Daily Mile, which allowed us to run with our classmates and have some wonderful exercise.  We thought about movement and how this can keep us healthy, having patience with ourselves as we improved. 

We also used this time to practice our mindfulness and social skills.Y3 run Healthy food

Summer Term 2

Year 3 were able to visit the secondary cooking rooms to try our hand at preparing and cooking foods. First we thought about our recipes and what ingredients we would need to create a fruit salad and then a pizza. The fruit salad contained wonderful tropical fruit that we helped to preserve using orange juice. Many of the children used this fruit salad to create a healthy smoothie.


Summer Term 1

In Birch class, to finish off our cooking topic, every child decided on a dish they would like to cook at home. They wrote a recipe thinking about the ingredients and methods they would use, which we then used to create a recipe class book. Also, we have had mindful sessions which included a Drawing Workshops where we have followed drawing tutorials online. We even tried drawing one of our terms book characters, Toothless.

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