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New Reception Playground Posted: 10/03/23

We are installing an amazing new playground to really enhance the provision for outdoor learning in Reception and playtimes for Year 1 pupils.

We are delighted to announce that we are installing an amazing new playground to really enhance the provision for outdoor learning in Reception and playtimes for Year 1 pupils. As you can see from the images, the resurfacing will make a huge difference for the safety of our children and allow us to use the outdoor space in all weathers. The tunnel, sand pit and waterplay equipment are all being removed as they are either not working or fit for purpose anymore, so they will all be replaced with brand new equipment. We will have a new water wall, sand pit and a new muddy zone where our Mud Kitchen will go! The new playground will also incorporates den posts, so the children can make different dens and shelters.

We also have a brand new reading zone where books from the children's topic will be organised to promote that love of learning. We also have new construction stations, new tuff trays for our maths activities and new writing zones.




Some of this project is being paid for by the Friends of Wren Academy (FWA) which is incredible and so far they have been able to help with £20,000, however that does not even cover half the costs of this amazing project.

We have opened a donation option on crowdfunding (link below) utm_term=JxQnQgnZz

and would appreciate anything you can donate to help cover the costs of the new outdoor provision.