

Year 3 Dinosnores Residential Posted: 20/05/24

the evening activity was a dinosaur night trail, where the children explored the dinosaur part of the museum in the dark and had to use torches to find their way around,

Year 3 had a very exciting opportunity to go to the Natural History Museum for a sleepover as part of our residential.  The children were very excited and thoroughly enjoyed this experience!  Whilst we were at the museum the children took part in a few activities which included taking part in a Super Sharks workshop, where they were shown real life shark fossils and teeth and had the opportunity to learn many interesting facts about sharks. This was followed by a t-shirt making workshop where the children designed and made their very own dinosaur t-shirts.  All the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and all the t-shirts looked amazing!

The last activity for the evening was a dinosaur night trail where the children explored the dinosaur part of the museum in the dark and had to use torches to find their way around, the children did very well during this trail and had lots of fun! 

Finally, we made our beds in the Hintze Hall and got ourselves ready to sleep, after what had been a very adventurous day!  On Saturday morning, we woke up, packed up our things and then had breakfast. After breakfast we spent some time exploring other parts of the museum before leaving to make our way home. This trip was an amazing experience for all the children and everyone had a great time!
