

Compassion Day Posted: 3/02/25

We raised over £2,395, which will allow us to continue sponsoring Buteme, Jesus and Queen

Our annual whole school non-uniform day for our Compassion UK sponsorship was held on Thursday 30 January.

Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form students and staff gave a donation in exchange for coming into school in non-uniform.

We raised over £2,395, which will allow us to continue sponsoring Buteme, Jesus and Queen, and will also enable us to increase the number of young people that we sponsor. Thank you for all your generous donations.

In Primary Collective Worship on Monday 27 January, we read from 1 Corinthians 13 and thought more about how we can love other people. As part of this Assembly, members of the Faith Council reminded us about the young people that we sponsor through Compassion – Buteme, Jesus and Queen – by reading out information about the young people that we have learnt through the letters they have written to us as a school.

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