Meet and Greet
22 May 2015
Thank you to all of those who came yesterday for our first meeting. It was lovely to see you all. I hope you found it informative and are really excited about starting in September.
For those of you who were unable to attend, do not worry. After the half term holiday you will receive a Parent Information Booklet in the post with all the key information.
Meet and Greet
On Wednesday 15 July you can come along and meet your child's class teacher any time between 4.00-6.00pm. This is also a great opportunity for you as parents to meet and get to know each other. We will have some of the lunch menu to taste, and a range of fun activities to complete with the children. Please let me know if you are able to attend by emailing with 'Primary School' in the subject box.
Term dates
As I said yesterday, term starts for the children on Thursday 3 September. You will meet the teachers in the drop off zone at 8.45am and walk down to the classroom together. You are welcome to stay until 9.30am to ensure your child is settled into the class. On this day the children will need to be collected at 1.00pm.
On Friday 4 September the children will again go home at 1.00pm.
From Monday 7 October children will attend school full time from 8.45–3.30pm.
Breakfast club will be available from 7.30am, and after school club will be available until 6.00pm. Details regarding this can be found on the company’s website.
NB: At Wren Academy we promote 100% attendance and punctuality as this has a positive impact on children’s learning. If in emergency situations you need to take your child out of school during term time, please collect an authorisation form from the school office.
Below are some photos of the building project so far. I had a meeting with the architect and project manager this morning and everything is on track. Very exciting news!
Have a lovely half term!
Louisa Taylor
Primary Headteacher
Filed under: Headteacher Blog Posted at 16:42 on 6 Nov 2015