YEAR 2 | AUTUMN 1 | AUTUMN 2 | SPRING 1 | SPRING 2 | SUMMER 1 | SUMMER 2 | ||||||
TOPIC | Our Amazing World | Superheoeos | Fire, Fire | Amazing Africa | The Olympics | |||||||
THE LITTLE QUESTION | What makes our world amazing? | What makes a hero super? | How did the Fire start? | What is it like to live in different parts of Africa? | Is competition healthy? | |||||||
KEY CONCEPTS | Diversity Community | Kindness Equality | Imagination Choice | Identity Friendship | Resilence Hope | Humility Influence | ||||||
WOW | Science Museum Trip | Superhero Dress Up Day | Make Paper Bag Houses | Zambian Talk | Inspirational Olympian Talk | |||||||
AUTHENTIC OUTCOME | Factfile about a Continent | Superhero Dress Up Day | Burn Paper Housesy | Assembly about Africa | IT Presentation about the Olympics | |||||||
CULTURAL CAPITAL | Science Museum | Diverse Famous People from our Local Area | Tower of London | African Drumming Workshop | Local Gudwara Next Term for Sikhism | Olympic Talk | ||||||
FOCUS WEEKS | Black History Month Vision Day | French Day | National Geographic Day | Book Day | STEAM Week | Wellbeing Week Art Week | ||||||
CLASSICAL MUSIC | Errollyn Wallen | Samuel | Sergei Prokofiev | Fanny Mandelssohn | J. S. Bach | John Williams | ||||||
CHRISTIAN VALUE | Humility | Perseverance / Hope | Community / Friendship | Forgiveness | Generosity | Gratitude / Thankfulness | ||||||
RE | God | Incarnation | Gospel | Salvation | World Faiths: Hinduism | World Faiths: Sikhism | ||||||
BLP | Reflective Robbie | Resilient Rosie | Relational Ruby | Redemptive Raya | Resourceful Rocco | Reverent Ritchie | ||||||
PSHE | Being me in my World | Celebrating Difference | Dreams and Goals | Healthy Me | Relationships | Changing Me | ||||||
WOWS AND WELLBEING | Allotment / Puzzles | Nativity Performance | Design in the Built Environment |
Archbishop Young Leaders Award | Cooking | |||||||
MATHS | Place Value to 100 Addition and Subtraction | Addition and Subtraction Properties of Shapes | Money Multiplication and Division | Statistics Fractions Time | Length and Height Mass, Capacity and Temperature | Position and Direction Problem Solving | ||||||
MENTAL MATHS | Recap from previous Year | Place Value to 100 Addition and Subtraction | Addition and Subtraction Properties of Shapes | Money Multiplication and Division Time | Length and Height Mass, Capacity and Temperature | Statistics Fractions | ||||||
Look Up | Traction Man | Great Fire of London | Meerkat Mail | The Owl who was afraid of the Dark | Who's afriad of the Big Bad Book? | |||||||
World Poetry | Superhero Biography | Instuctions | Letters to Africa | Information text about the Olympics Sample SATs Writing | Debate about competition | |||||||
| Flat Stanley Gregory Cool | RWI Comprehension | RWI Comprehension | RWI Comprehension | ||||||
| Significant people, Walter Tull and Local People | Great Fire of London |
| History of the Olympics x 4 | ||||||
GEOGRAPHY | Continents and Oceans - Oddizzi | Ocean Explorers |
| Let us go on a Safari | Olympics Locations |
| ||||||
SCIENCE | Growth and Survival | Environments | Materials | Living in Habitats | Growing Plants | Scientists and Investigators | ||||||
ART / DESIGN | Contemporary Art: Rainforest Birds | Contemporary Art: Africa | Pop Art: Clay Self Portraits | |||||||||
PE | Bodily Co-ordination | Dance Consistancy | Gymnastics Consistancy | Fundamental Movement Skills | Striking and Fielding | Active Athletics | ||||||
COMPUTING | Online Safety and Computational Thinking | Programming | Coding | IT Around Us | Making Music | Effective Searching | ||||||
FRENCH | Colours and All About Me | Questioning | All About Me and Giving Opinions | French Phonics | Weather and the Seasons | Family | ||||||
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY | Stable Structures | Making Puppets | Pop Ups | African Instruments | Cooking Perfect Pizzas Olympic Mascots | Olympic Packaging |